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Mi a SAPlink?
SAPlink is a project that aims to make it easier to share ABAP developments between programmers. It provides the ability to easily distribute and package custom objects.
After implementation of SAPlink use program ZSAPLINK to export and import ABAP objects from/to an SAP Netweaver system.
There are two types of files that can be imported or exported using SAPlink, either a Slinkee file (.slnk) or a Nugget file (.nugg). Both filetypes contain XML representation of the objects to be installed. They can be read using any XML reader, a text editor, or some compatible browsers.
Mire használható a SAPlink Converter?
An ABAP developer usually has to prepare documentation after finishing a development project. This documenation should contain all relevant ABAP objects created during the project. To dig out all relevant ABAP objects from an SAP system and move their most important data into a word file could take a lot of time specially on a big development project.
The idea is that the SAPlink nuggets file is an XML and the MS Word supports the reading of MS Word XML format files. So with an XSLT transformation the relevant data in a SAPlink nugget file can be moved into a new XML file that can be read by MS Word. And here is the magic, by exportink the relevant transport request, development classes or even just only one object, SAPlink Converter turns the exported nuggets into MS Word document in just seconds saving ABAP developers a lot of time.
Hogyan működik a SAPlink converter?
Just drag and drop your exported SAPlink nugget file to the conversion area. The SAPlink converter will do the transformation in a few seconds. After successful conversion the prepared MS Word XML file can be downloaded. Please be aware that you have to first open this downloaded XML file with MS Word. The opend MS Word XML file than can be saved as normal MS Word document (in DOCX format).
SAPlink is a project that aims to make it easier to share ABAP developments between programmers. It provides the ability to easily distribute and package custom objects.
Útmutató a SAPlink implementáláshoz
PDF: SAPlink_fasttrack_howto_guide.pdf
Ez a dokumentáció bemutat minden olyan részletet, amely szükséges a SAPlink implementálásához Netweaver 7.5 rendszeren. A dokumentum tartalmazza a támogatott ABAP objektumok listáját és kiemeli, hogy mely ABAP objektumok kerülnek felismerésre a SAPlink Converter által létrehozott MS Word fájlban.
ZIP: SAPlink_Core_and_Plugins_25052018.zip
Ez a tömörített állomány tartalmaz minden szükséges fájlt, amely szükséges a SAPlink implementálásához és minden elérhető bővítményt 2018. május 31-gyel bezárólag.
Alap SAPlink Projekt
- Projekt weboldal: www.saplink.org
- SAPlink forrás: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/saplink
- Jelenlegi verzió: https://app.assembla.com/spaces/saplink/subversion/source/HEAD/trunk/build
- Discussion group: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/saplink/messages
- Porject WIKI: https://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/SAPlink
- Felhasználói dokumentáció: http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/ABAP/SAPlink+User+Documentation (Tartalmazza az uninstallációhoz szükséges leírást)
Az alap SAPlink projekt csak az ABAP osztályokhoz és programokhoz szükséges bővítményeket tartalmazza.
SAPlink Pluginok ABAP projektekhez
- Projekt weboldal: http://plugins.saplink.org/
- SAPlink bővítmények forrás: https://app.assembla.com/spaces/saplink/wiki/SAPlink_plugin_list
- Projekt WIKI: https://github.com/sapmentors/SAPlink/wiki/SAPlink-plugin-list
- SAPlink Code Exchange bővítmények: https://github.com/sapmentors/SAPlink-plugins/wiki
- Fórum: https://www.assembla.com/spaces/ saplink-plugins/messages